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What is the purpose of E-Mana ?

E-Mana’s purpose that is derived from the word Manna is, according to the Bible, an edible substance which God provided for the Israelites during their travels in the desert. Just like how God provided food for the people, E-Mana will also provide help for people in needs.
Part of the money that will be collected through your support using our E-Mana tokens will be used in helping the victims of calamaties, providing charity donations, building churches and institutions and help people travel to the Holy Land.
And, some of the money will also be used to broaden and expand our company to help spread the word of God and E-Mana’s purpose of providing help to the less fortunate.
Our platform system is also based on Smart Contract system providing safety and security to the funds you have given. This system will make sure that the funds coming in and out of our system will not be tampered with and making sure that the help you have given will reach to those in need.



1st Package

You will receive 540 E-Mana Token


2nd Package

You will receive 2,700 E-Mana Token


3rd Package

You Will receive 5,400 E-Mana Token

Avg Transaction
Finality Time
.79 SEC
Total Value
Annual Energy
46 PH Households


Our mission is to provide help to the less fortunate with the money that will be collected through the support of the people who will buy our E-Mana tokens. That is why we called it ‘Giving Hands’.

E-Mana token has a certain value in our system and you can choose on how much you want to give or support to a certain sector or institutions.

Part of this collected funds will help victims of calamaties or disaster, providing charity donations, help in building churches or institutions and/or provide help in sending people to travel to the Holy Land.

This is not obligatory and it is not mandated or forced to anyone. This is purely for those who want to extend their hands and provide help with others.


Founder / CEO of E-Mana

HOLLYWOOD TV actor, filmmaker, director, producer, author, and photographer and now a Founder and CEO of his personal epiphany and created the Vision’s of the Bible app – the only app that combines stunning imagery with beautiful audio recordings of Bible stories and verses.

Now, he moves forward and created another means to share the fruits of his spritual awakening, the E-Mana. It’s main purpose is to provide and extend a hand to those in need, especially in the less fortunate area, help build churches and institutions and being able to bring people to the Holy Land and experienced it’s spirtual healing. All this will be achieve and accomplish, with the help of everyone through their support by buying the E-Mana token.

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